Library of groups with small class number
Version 1.3.0
Released 2024-12-26
This project is maintained by Sam Tertooy
by Sam Tertooy
The SmallClassNr package provides access to finite groups with small class number. Currently, the package contains the finite groups of class number at most 14.
This package requires GAP version 4.11 or later.
Either place the folder in the pkg subdirectory of your gap folder, or in any other folder where you have write permission. You can verify if GAP recognizes the SmallClassNr package using the following command:
gap> LoadPackage("SmallClassNr");
Loading SmallClassNr 1.3.0 (Library of groups with small class number)
by Sam Tertooy (
Report issues at
The manual may be compiled by running the ‘makedoc.g’ script, located in the package’s main directory. It is also available on the webpages of this package, at
Please report any problems you may encounter using SmallClassNr at
The SmallClassNr package is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0 or later. A copy of this license is included.