Computation with twisted conjugacy classes
Version 2.4.0
Released 2024-12-05
This project is maintained by Sam Tertooy
The TwistedConjugacy package provides methods to calculate Reidemeister classes, numbers, spectra and zeta functions, as well as other methods related to homomorphisms, endomorphisms and automorphisms of groups. These methods are, for the most part, designed to be used with finite groups and polycyclically presented groups.
The current version of this package is version 2.4.0, released on 2024-12-05. For more information, please refer to the package manual. There is also a README file.
License: GPL-2.0-or-later
This package requires GAP version >= 4.13
Please, cite this package as
[Ter24] Tertooy, S.,
TwistedConjugacy, Computation with twisted conjugacy classes,
Version 2.4.0
(GAP package),
You can get more info by typing Cite("TwistedConjugacy");
in the gap prompt.
For bug reports, feature requests and suggestions, please use the issue tracker.